Keep in mind that environment and upbringing have a tremendous impact on how your puppy will develop. It is important that all Tamaskan puppies receive adequate socialization and sufficient (balanced, positive reinforcement) training from a young age. Furthermore, you must maintain proper care of your puppy with regard to preventing environmental factors that can lead to hip dysplasia, such as suitable nutrition (not overfeeding), adequate exercise (not over-exercising), and preventing stress injuries…
- No forced or excessive exercise. Over-exercise includes forced jogging, pulling, running, and overly long walks. Activities MUST be limited in accordance with your puppy’s age and your puppy should be allowed to rest (or be carried) when tired. For the first few months only limited exercise is recommended (in particular from the age of 2-12 months old). Rough guideline: a ratio of five minutes of exercise per month of age (up to twice per day) until the puppy is fully grown, i.e. 15 minutes when three months old, 20 minutes when four months old, etc. After the age of 12 months old, physical activity / exercise may be gradually increased. After the age of 18 months old, your puppy may partake in all the activities of a regular adult dog, with as much strenuous exercise as necessary or desired.
- Not allowing your puppy to climb up or down long flights of stairs until the age of at least 6 months old… your puppy must be carried instead, until that age, and limited stair-use until adulthood. (Short flights of stairs, or steps, are OK in moderation.)
- Not allowing your puppy to jump on / off furniture, in / out of cars, from any height taller than its shoulder, or for any object higher than its shoulder until the age of at least 12 months old. Your puppy must not be allowed to jump up for sticks / Frisbees / etc or participate in any other ‘high impact’ activities until the age of at least 12 months old as these activities put tremendous stress on growing joints and bones.
- Not allowing your puppy to run recklessly on slippery surfaces (wood floors, tiles, etc) or for an extended time on very soft surfaces (sand, snow, etc) until it is at least 12 months old.
Your puppy should be housed in a protected environment – provided with warmth during excessively cold weather and air conditioning during hot/warm weather – that is safe from any conditions that could endanger or harm its life. Heat stroke, exhaustion, dehydration and other related conditions must be avoided. Tamaskan Dogs can overheat quickly and may die as a result of overheating. Your puppy must never be left in hot, dry conditions (such as in a parked car on a warm day) for extended periods, nor exercised extensively under hot, dry conditions.